Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Overlord Manga Ch 43
Welp, Overlord Chapter 43 is out and I've TLed it. Unfortunately megacrapload is shitting itself right now so you'll just have to imagine the action. Unless someone can suggest a decent host.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
PPP - Fugitive Clementine
Apparently the Clem cameo in the Hamsuke / PA episodes of PPP was popular enough that she got a spinoff of her own. Erika helped sub it, and you can find it here.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Overlord S3 Bonus Drama CD - Nazarick Mythology (Now with Chosentube link!)
I actually finished TLing this last week, but a typesetter friend of mine asked for some time so he could time the subs for the EN version of the video. I figure a week is enough for him. Also, I'll link the EN video here when it's done.
Many thanks to 黒輪 for his hard work.
EDIT: I told Erika Furudo to do it and he did, the absolute mad man.
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Overlord Manga Chapter 42

Well, it's been a long time, hasn't it? Here's chapter 42 (subject to revision as my proofreader goes over it) and here are the raws.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Overlord V10 Drama CD
So I finally got around to translating the translation of the v10 drama CD. Some brave heroes will get around to subbing it, I'm sure. In the meantime:
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Overlord: The RPG!
So I should have put this up earlier, but apparently there's an Overlord RPGMaker game on the anime website, here...
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Overlord ch 40
Sorry for the delay, been feeling out of it recently. Here are the TLs for Overlord chapter 40. And here are the RAWs. Thanks to MyNameHere for proofreading them.
As usual, if you paid for them, you got ripped off!
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Girl's Frontline: T-Doll Maintenance Manual
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Overlord ch 39
Very very short! Here are the raws.
And here's the TL.
Remember: if you paid for this, you got ripped off!
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Overlord ch 38
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Overlord Volume 13 Afterword, Credits and Character Sheets
you for your hard work, dear readers who have made it all the way
here. The hand you held the book with must be feeling heavy, no?
sure you must all have felt the fear of dropping a book on your face
when reading while lying down.
13 is the first Overlord book in history with a pagecount well in
excess of 500. What did you think of the contents? I would be happy
if even a small portion of the readers felt it was interesting.
in truth, it might have been better to split it up into a second and
third part instead. Reading the whole thing from start to finish
really taxes the brains. Reading chapters 4, 5 and then the
intermission before going to sleep might be a better pace. How did
you read it, everyone? Ah, a major advantage of dividing it into two
books would be the opportunity to enjoy more of so bin-san’s lovely
this won’t happen again, so there’s no point thinking about it.
I kept saying I want to cut the page count, the length of this book
ended up being really rough. As page count increases, all the
associated work takes more time too, and the schedule keeps slipping.
The probability of wrong words also increases, so it seems like there
are pretty much no upsides to it.
time, I’d like to write a book that’s easier on both the author
and the audience.
then, while I did say the next volume is in 2019, I’m planning to
write something very long before that, so I don’t know how things
will actually turn out. Relaxing and waiting helps a lot. The third
season of the anime will also come out during that time, so I hope
you’ll all enjoy it.
in truth, I’ve pretty much run out of things to put into the
afterword. In the past, when I was a reader and saw the author say he
didn’t know what to write, I would think “just write whatever you
want”. Now that I’m in the same situation, I can understand what
they had to deal with. What would you all write if you were in my
position? Honestly… the idea that I don’t need to write these
afterwords any more is starting to grow on me!
then, I’d like to thank everyone who helped me with this volume. I
look forward to working with you in future.
April Maruyama Kugane
Squire of the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army
Prime estate in Hoburns (her family home)
- 2 lv
Archer 3 lv
2 lv
4 lv
1st day of the Upper Wind Month
Telling everyone about how wonderful the Sorcerer King is
her character has changed radically, she will be re-introduced. She
lost levels from dying, but at the same time she gained levels from
surviving the war. Her current character build is the result of
losing levels in Servant. She has many incompatible class levels, but
given her experiences, this was the only way she could have turned
out, no? Neia has not yet realised that she is using a special
ability to guide the thoughts of others (AKA brainwashing).
Currently, her ability only works on people with emotional trauma,
but Neia’s words can save them.
of an angel, heart of a demon
Highest-ranked priestess in the Holy Kingdom and the head of the
priest corps.
Prime estate in Hoburns (her family home)
- ?lv
Priest - ? lv
- ? lv
11th day of the Upper Water Month
Observing people (both the good and bad implications)
terms of pure divine spellcasting ability, she is the most powerful
in the region, surpassing even Blue Rose in that respect. However,
this is a national secret, so almost nobody knows about it. She
cherishes her family and her best friend (Calca), and she is more
aggressive towards people hostile to them than her sister, and she
even enacts ruthless, cruel revenge on them at times. She is almost
always seen with a smile on her face, but that is little more than a
facade. She is always looking for a chance to bring down the nobles
who are Calca’s enemies, and one can call her the most frightening
woman in the Holy Kingdom.
kind prince
Royalty of the Holy Kingdom
Hoburns Royal Palace
- ?lv
- ? lv
Noble (normal) - ? lv
27th day of the Lower Fire Month
Reading (he seems to like history in particular)
is an excellent individual, and after realising he could not surpass
his even more outstanding sister, he equipped himself with the
knowledge to survive in noble society. He had no interest in
conflicts over the bloodline, so he ended up yielding his birthright
to his little sister. While he does not regret that decision, whether
or not he truly accepts his sister’s actions remains in question.
In truth, if he had become the Holy King, he would have been better
suited to the throne thanks to his willingness to perform underhanded
actions. He is is one of the rare few members of the royal family
that Kelart does not hate.
pains are just something you get used to
Deputy commander of the Holy Kingdom Liberation Army
Prime estate in Hoburns
- ?lv
Knight - ? lv
(normal) - ? lv
27th day of the Lower Wind Month
He likes small animals
the two vice-captains of the paladin corps, his sword skills are
inferior, and as a result he is closer to the common man than the
other one (though he’s still strong enough that an ordinary person
could never defeat him). He gets stomach pains often, but he is very
grateful for the fact that magic can cure that easily, so he is
thinking of learning divine magic. He bought a house so that he could
let his pet Bunnias -- which are rabbits that look like squirrels --
run free. His pets’ names are Milshe-chan and Amonna-chan, and they
are important beings that soothe his weary soul.
Amethyst Body
Prince of the Zern
One of the thousand sinkholes in the northern Abelion Hills
Lord (racial) - ? Lv
(Five Elements User) - ? Lv
Master - ? lv
98th of Winter
Listening to stories.
race has very few males. Therefore, any males who are born are
immediately elevated to royalty. Due to their great importance, they
are not allowed outside their nests, and it is quite normal for them
to spend their lives in a state of house arrest. Thanks to being
praised constantly by the masses, he has developed great confidence
in his body, to the point of narcissism. Incidentally, his species
type is not an error. The Zern have a racial weakness wherein they
are affected by spells that are only effective against specific
races, hence their mis-classification as demihumans. They are
actually heteromorphs.
a magic swordsman, he was the type who switched between swords and
spells. However, he was a jack of all trades but a master of none, so
during the guild’s glory days, he was often a second-choice pick as
a party member. That said, he was good in a fight, and his ability as
a gamer was quite high. In the real world, he learned some ominous
information about the megacorporations which ruled the world and was
killed in an accident to seal his lips. The information he possessed
made its way into the hands of a certain someone.
13 could not have been translated into English without the help of
the tremendously industrious workers on Baidu, who sacrificed their
time, sleep and health to turn 552 pages of Maruyama’s prose into
Chinese, which I could process much faster. Without further ado,
these are the people who made it possible.
of course, turning it from CN to EN would not have been possible
without the following people, who spotted all the mistakes I glossed
over because I was TLing shit at 2 AM in the morning or in between
battery replacements at work:
Dasray_1911 (sorry I missed you out)
Dasray_1911 (sorry I missed you out)
the many, many people who emailed in corrections so I could take
action on them. Thank you all, and enjoy Season 3!
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Friday, April 27, 2018
v13 character sheets, rough translation
There are (crappy pictures) of the v13 character sheets and I decided to spend my evening TLing them. Bear in mind that they might contain SPOILERS. They are subject to change once I get to consult more people about them.
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Volume 13: Paladin of the Holy Kingdom (Second Part)
EDIT: Paypal is being a big pain about donations. I'm taking down the link until it's resolved. TLs will still come out in the meantime. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
More v13 images!
The ever mysterious MyNameHere has called my attention to new v13 art from ebten.

Exactly who these people are is a mystery, but the nips suspect that they are Queralt, Caspond and Gustavo.
Of course, we all know the first one is a goblin's sow by now...

Exactly who these people are is a mystery, but the nips suspect that they are Queralt, Caspond and Gustavo.
Of course, we all know the first one is a goblin's sow by now...
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Overlord F/GO collab? It's more likely than you think.
I started playing FGO recently, so imagine my surprise when I found that they were doing an Overlord campaign collab... Time to blow your Jalter savings, plebs!
EDIT: Although, seriously, job well done, cirnopedia. I really appreciate the attention to detail.
EDIT: Although, seriously, job well done, cirnopedia. I really appreciate the attention to detail.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Overlord Manga Chapter 36
The editor went through some of it, here's an updated version. (EDIT: Now v1.2!)
Don't forget, if you paid for it, you got ripped off!
Sunday, March 25, 2018
v13 cover out?
We're about 32 days away from v13's official launch date on April 27th, and someone linked me a(n admittedly shitty) shot of what appears to be v13's cover. I'll update when I get something better.
EDIT: A mysterious benefactor called MNH has come through; I'll look for something better in the meantime.
EDIT 2: And Amazon released a HQ version of it!
EDIT: A mysterious benefactor called MNH has come through; I'll look for something better in the meantime.
EDIT 2: And Amazon released a HQ version of it!
Also, I've gotten into FGO (NA) recently and if they happen to drop the Da Vinci event during the release date, well, please understand.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Release date for v13?
Ainz Ooal Gown Dies.
The Holy Kingdom is surrounded by an allied army of 40'000 demihumans.
Commanded by Remedios - the strongest paladin of the Holy Kingdom - the human army is too fatigued from their defensive battle to keep the demihumans from trampling them.
In order to fulfil the promise he made as a king,
The Sorcerer King Ainz stands alone against the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth and the Maid Demons under his command.
And then-
Can the flame-wreathed Holy Kingdom be saved - Volume 13 points the way toward justice.
(Estimated release date April 27th)
(Many thanks to MyNameHere for Ainz's funeral portrait)
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Overlord Manga Chapter 34
v2.0 is done; thanks to Ziggy and MyNameHere for helping me TLC it. Also, if you paid for this, you got ripped off.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Oh!verlord Short Story
Apologies for releasing this late. Anyway. MyNameHere and ZiggySquaresoftZiggurat were very useful mammals and helped me TLC my translation of this story from the Oh!verlord yonkoma tankoubon. Hope you like it.
Monday, January 1, 2018
Episode 1, now subbed!
Erika Furudo and I decided to sub the episode they released early. Zesshi and Pestonya are yummy. Enjoy, and happy new year!
EDIT: Dropbox only previews videos for 15 minutes, so download it for the full thing.
EDIT 2: Another link - https://ufile.io/vcd7a