Friday, December 29, 2017

Overlord Manga Chapter 33

Raburabu intensifies. Here's the raw script, subject to revision.

And the RAWs

It'll be typeset when it's done.

EDIT: So it seems the usual guy isn't doing it, which means my usual second round of proofreading (which takes place after I go through his first-pass typesetted images) did not take place. Since people are already kvetching about mistakes, I went through the thing again and fixed everything I could find (including messed up page numbers). Apologies for any inconvenience: here is the v2 translation script thingy, or whatever you call it.

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Overlord Manga Chapter 32

Turns out the typesetter did feel like doing it. Thanks, yuisins!

Script (note, revisions have been made during the typesetting):
Mega link:!zQohSB6J!nNvbNi0j4ujIopHkH_Hgjw
Imgur link:

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Overlord Manga Chapter 31

AKA the Sebas Dating Diaries.!KQwUVRTK!0tgWIRs8eIafbhXwl1Vtfg

Now in imgur gallery format so you don't have to DL it:

Kudos to yuisins for typesetting and to people on the Hatamaou TL team for consulting on several terms.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Overlord Manga Chapter 30

Nobody seemed to be TLing it, so I did it. Typesetting by Yuisins. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Volume 12 Chapter 3

Beginning the Counterattack

Part 1

The carriage was shaking.

Volume 13

Breeding Sow of the Holy Kingdom #2: Electric Boogaloo

Where Remedios fulfills her destiny as a mother to monsters!

Previous Chapter || Main Page || Next Chapter

Volume 12 Afterword, Character Sheets and Credits


I’m sure that as children, many people must have wished for August to be sixty days long when they were doing their holiday homework while their parents scolded them, or when they flipped through the calendar in August.

Volume 12 Chapter 2

Seeking Salvation

Part 1

A lone girl walked the Kingdom’s streets.

Volume 12 Chapter 1

The Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth

Part 1

The Roble Holy Kingdom was a nation whose territory was the peninsula to the southwest of the Re-Estize Kingdom.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Overlord Movie Theater Manner subs!

Erika Furudo does it again by subbing the pre-film theater manners clip. This .ass is for popping cherries Film 2's theater manners clip, but it is essentially the same as that of Film 1 (Albedo just says "Undead King" instead of "Dark Hero" in her opening spiel).

Also, Erika Furudo has gone and uploaded it to Youtube.

Still, no point letting a good ass or two go to waste.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Overlord Part 2 Movie Subs, more likely than you think.

Erika Furudo has done it again with subs for the second movie. Give thanks for dat .ass!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Overlord v12 Author's Thoughts

Here are the thoughts of Overlord Volume 12’s author, a book where hardly any cute girl characters showed up~

Monday, October 2, 2017

Overlord Movie subs!? In MY Internet!?

As it turns out, Erika Furudo (Lambadelta on >leddit) has taken the time out to sub the first Overlord movie. You can get them here:

Also, they said that they're not giving out raws, only subs. You'll have to help yourself for that.

Pic sort of related. It's a nice .ass after all.

Also it's been updated.

Also also, there are reports that the subs are out of sync, this is apparently because the raws are of a different length than what the subber worked with. For best results you should be using raws with a length of 1:42:21. The uploader called Reinforce apparently has stuff like that.

Also also also, someone has apparently done the subbing for you.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Volume 12: Paladin of the Holy Kingdom (First Part)

That's all, folks!
I"ll be cleaning the chapters up slowly after this.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Boning Commences

The baidu people have it and they will start translation once they get sauce. In the meantime, they put up some pictures, which I DLed. I've also TLed the character sheets and blurb for the next volume, but please take them with a pinch of salt.

It's Coming...

Masiro, who does Overlord doujins, has also been doing a series of countdown pictures. He's looking forward to it too.

You can find them all here.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Overlord Movie PPP Translations

Mr. Shy's finished subbing the raws with the new and improved script: get it while it's hot!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Oh!verlord, or オバロードー不死者のOh!

I told the 4channers I'd TL it, and so I have. One chapter a day, until it is done.

Also, if someone can tell me where to find the JP raws, I'd appreciate it so I can doublecheck my work.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Volume 12 cover at last!

And a Holy Knight / Paladin / Valkyrie (male) / :: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Thanks to MyNameHere for calling this to my attention!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Bad End Battle

So Maruyama posted an amusing little vignette here (at the bottom of the page) about what would happen if a certain Floor Guardian did battle with a certain Dragon Lord...

Thanks to MyNameHere for calling it to my attention and MPT for TLCing it.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Ple Ple Pleiades Yonkoma

Some Anon bought it and scanned it, another anon TLed it, and a third anon typeset it. Sasuga Anon-sama!

The arrow over Shalltear should say: She's uncomfortable because Lupu agreed so readily. 

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Keeno's Journey

Maruyama wrote a spinoff story on Twitter where Ainz came to the New World by himself and met Evileye. Someone wrote fanfiction expanding on it. Hopefully this will help tide you over while you wait for Volume 12. And so:

Keeno’s Journey

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

A Big Fat Nothing Burger

The 12th volume, where justice is confounded. Featuring the attack of the heinous Demon Emperor, Jaldabaoth.

The Holy Kingdom, which takes great pride in its long peace and which is defended by a great wall, is assaulted by an allied army of demihumans.

The supreme commander of the allied forces is the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth.

The Holy Kingdom faces destruction at the hands of the cruel and merciless Demon Emperor.

The liberating army that seeks to aid the suffering citizens requests aid from the Sorcerous Kingdom, a nation of the undead that are the mortal enemy of the Holy Kingdom

Led by the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown, the Holy Kingdom sets out to destroy the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth.

Amazon finally put up a date for v12's release: September 30th.

However, the answer to "is v12 out yet?" is and will always be "When it's done."

(Special thanks to MPT for proofing the translation of the blurb)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Overlord Season 2 Confirmed!

Say it loud, say it proud,


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Pleiades Day

Translator: Nigel
Editor: Deus, Skythewood
Special thanks to the Baidu Translators: leveach, 夜の无, 滿綠, MKsyukou

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


The Demon King tramples the Holy Kingdom underfoot, turning it into hell on earth. The tormented people direct their pleas for aid toward the growing Sorcerous Kingdom --




Who will be the victor? Their fierce battle unfolds in Volume 12: Knights of the Holy Kingdom.

On sale in 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

Overlord Manga v6 Drama CD

I have just obtained the CN script for the Manga v6 Drama CD. I expect to finish in a couple of days, whereupon I'll dump my draft here. (Typesetting may take a while longer)


I have finished the preliminary draft for the script. I will be working on formatting the lines for proper subbing over the next couple of days.


Torrent for the Drama CD:

And credits:

Original JP => CN: leveach and 滿綠

Editing: Skythewood
Audio: Countermeasure 01, Mysterious Imouto X, Pythma
Typesetting/Timing/Etc: Mr. Shy

Thank you very much, and see you in August (or whenever BMG picks up again).


GDrive link just in case.