Sunday, November 25, 2018
PPP - Fugitive Clementine
Apparently the Clem cameo in the Hamsuke / PA episodes of PPP was popular enough that she got a spinoff of her own. Erika helped sub it, and you can find it here.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Overlord S3 Bonus Drama CD - Nazarick Mythology (Now with Chosentube link!)
I actually finished TLing this last week, but a typesetter friend of mine asked for some time so he could time the subs for the EN version of the video. I figure a week is enough for him. Also, I'll link the EN video here when it's done.
Many thanks to 黒輪 for his hard work.
EDIT: I told Erika Furudo to do it and he did, the absolute mad man.